VO-52 Satellite QSO Using The IOIo Antenna

After progressing from my vertical to the broom stick yagi and then experimenting with the IOIo beam, I finally ended up using some 10mm alum bar for the 144-145 Loop and Reflector and 6mm alum bar for the 435-436 Loop and Reflector. Mainly to stand up to the WX and Winter.

The finished model of the IOIo beam was then mounted at 20 degrees elevation on the new Yaesu gS-250 rotator that I have just added to my Shacks equipment list.

With the new antenna and rotator installation I have made many QSOs over the last weekend and found it to be very successful on VO-52 using SSB.

At present I have not experimented fully on the FM SATS such as AO-51 and SO-50. I have made a few QSOs on both of the FM birds and have so far noticed that the horizontal polarisation on the RX 435-436 Loop is not as good as the Vertically polarised previous design. I might consider altering the antenna but it's too early to say at the moment, as you can see in the video it does a good job and is working very well using SSB into VO-52.


Mark GØNMY said…
Hi Simon
I only found your blog tonight a most excellent page. you have now got me interested in the FM satellites and its now 4:30 am and I have just built an IOio I just have to check it for resonance.keep up the good work your a credit to ham radio.
Cheers Mark GØNMY
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Mark,

firstly I cant stop grinning imagining you working away in the middle of the night on the IOIo. I hope you have had the oppertunity to get some sleep and try your antenna today?

I am sure it will perform well for you on any of the SATS. Hope to hear you on and get you in the log h.i

Thanks for the encouraging comment and I shall be posting something soon here so hope you get the chance to re-visit.

73 good luck with your new IOIo.

de 2e0hts Simon

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