2E0HTS IO-10EL 145-435 Satellite Antenna

Being content with something is often easier said than done when it comes to Antennas, yes you guessed more messing with the Satellite beam.
In the past, the FM Satellite signals that I have received have been very weak compared to the portable outdoor ARROW Antenna.
The SSB SATs such as VO-52 & FO-29 have always been stronger and much easier to work compared with the FM Birds whilst using the IOIo Antenna.
I have been using the FT-847 Noise Reduction and DIG Filter to assist in pulling out the voices from the FM hiss but still have had a struggle on my hands with most passes.

I had another look at my A430S10 Yagi and decided to fix it above the 145 IO Beam using 30mm wooden spacers at a fixed 30º elevation. I have tried 15º, 20º and 45º elevation fixed in the past and have found 30º to be the best compromise. The Compact IO 145 Loop out performed a 4Ele Yagi, I just need an edge on the IO 435 loop. The 10Ele was the answer! A more accurate aim is required which I have now mastered.

The combined antenna is working better than expected, it seems like this time I got it right, I am now in the position to be able to hear the FM SATs – AO-51 & SO-50, loud and clear in the shack on the FT-847.
Since Installation, I have made plenty of QSO on AO-51 including a first Satellite QSO for M0JMO – Josh, earlier this evening as well as lots of other successful contacts into EU and up and down the UK.

RESULT! The FM SATs can now be worked from inside a warm shack as well as out in the cold on the QRP ARROW set up.

The new IO-10 145/435 is now very effective on VO-52, my downlink signal is up at 5/9 on all passes between 2º - 60º, and I can get into VO-52 at a distance of 1700 miles with a good signal back to IO93CU.

Catch you on the “Birds” 73


Phaze58 said…
DED smegging jelouse now
ACE one Simon I haven't been able to work any birds coz I have just been too lazy , But now I have been inspired to do something about it..
ranprew said…
Simon -- as always .. good thinking and a good job on the 10-element. And thanks for your help, inspiration and above all -- patience as I try to duplicate some of your ham sat adventures on this side of the pond.
randy K4LJA
MØYKS Simon said…
Phil - Hope you get outside and make some qso soon via the birds. tnx for all your comments.

Randy - Thank you very much for following my crazy antics! Good luck with the Sats, we might hear you on a Trans Atlantic pass some day soon. see you on twitter!
Anonymous said…
Hi Simon I expect more screen shots of 2E0HTS IO-10EL 145-435 Satellite Antenna.By the this article brings new update to the reader.Can you write same on collins or knewood.

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