80M Sked With Fellow Blogger - Bas PE4BAS

This evening was the first time that I made QSO with fellow blogger and radio amateur Bas - PE4BAS. We have been following each others online activities for years and our radio contact was well over due. Bas suggested we try the 80 meter band at 21.45 utc, I checked to see if the frequency was clear and heard a big gun signal telling me to clear off h.i. It was the amateur station of PE4BAS who was coming in very nicely indeed. We moved up the band and managed to sustain a perfect QSO  for almost an hour with 5/9+ 20 to +40 db copies at both ends throughout the entire QSO. Bas was running an 80m Loop which was horizontally polarized with his ICOM and 100 watts out. I was running my FT-1000 MK-V and 100 watts into my Windom antenna. I checked the Hustler 6BTV during the QSO and found that I could hear Bas just as well apart from about 20 db drop in his signal strength with the vertical. All in all it was an excellent radio contact with plenty of information exchanged during some very nice radio propagation.

    The image is the signal received from PE4BAS at my station on Wednesday 15th of February

 I am looking forward to the next time I catch up with PE4BAS. Thanks again Bas and 73 to all!


PE4BAS, Bas said…
Hello Simon, nice photo from my signal it was really strong ;-). We should have made some other tests as well. I got a vertical as well but I'm shure the signal would have dropped at least 4-5 S-units. However didn't test it so I can't tell. Might be interesting to do some comparisation tests next time. At least we did the Turner +3B test and that went well. 73, Bas

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