
Day 27 February QSO Challenge

I made my first QSO of today at 21.18 utc on 3.771MHz where I worked Patrick operating special event station EI80IRTS . EI80IRTS celebrates the 80th anniversary of the founding of The Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS) . Patrick was working a huge pile up and putting out a very impressive 5/9 +40dB signal when I snook my call sign in amongst the many stations through to EI80IRTS. I received a 5/9 +20dB signal report back as well as some information about the IRTS up and coming CQIR International Radio Contest taking place on March the 17th from 12.00 utc. Check out more information about the station EI80IRTS including the EI80IRTS award via Today's QSO challenge has been completed, the equipment I used was: FT-1000MKV and CW80 Antenna. 73

Day 26 February QSO Challenge

Earlier today I made some QSO's via SAUDISAT 1C SO-50. I used my FT-847, G-5500 controller and dual Satellite beams to work F0FIG at 10.44 utc this morning. During a fast set of overs we exchanged locators and signal reports via the satellite. F0FIG - Marcel from JO1OJE was coming in with a 5/9 signal during the pass amongst quite a lot of QRM from other ops also trying to get in to the bird. F0FIG came back to me over the QRM where I received a 5/9 report back from Marcel - F0FIG. I went on to work a couple more stations before the SO-50 satellite was out of range. Todays Challenge completed with plenty of time left to check the HF bands and continue playing some Ham radio. 73

Day 25 February QSO Challenge

As I continue completing at least one QSO every day to qualify for the challenge, I made today's QSO on 14.210MHz whilst working Brian - KB2UZY at around 19.33 utc this evening. Brian is located 3228 miles away in Springfield Massachusetts, locator FN32QC. KB2UZY was working a pile up of stations that were calling him, his signal was a very strong 5/9+20 db to my FT-1000MKV during our QSO. I received a 5/9+10 db report back from his station which can be seen pictured below. Brian - KB2UZY pictured above was using an FT-1000D from YAESU and running 500 watts from his Kenwood TL922A amplifier into his hy-gain TH11DX antenna mounted 50 feet above the ground. I was running my vertical ground mounted Hustler 6BTV with radials. Only 4 more days left before my computer keyboard gets a rest. 73

Day 24 February QSO Challenge

I completed today's QSO challenge as set by my YL M3TLL - Louise by working VE3YJ at 1905 utc on 14.195MHz. VE3YJ - Rocco was calling CQ DX when I came across his very respectable 5/9 signal. I gave a call back to Rocco where I received a 5/3 report back during a nice conversion about our equipment as well as mentioning that we had worked each other on 40m and 17m in the past. I was pleased with my 5/3 report and enjoyed the QSO with Rocco as I got to test out both of my HF antennas, my CW80- Carolina Windom and Hustler 6BTV with radials. The test this evening provided me with matching signal reports both on transmit and receive, the radials on my Hustler vertical seem to have made a noticeable improvement. I was using 50w from my FT1000 MKV, Rocco - VE3YJ was running 1KW into his very nice 4 Element Yagi as seen pictured above. Another fine QSO challenge completed at a total distance between our two stations of 3460 miles to Guelph, Ontario. Locator EN93UN.

Day 23 February QSO Challenge

As the QSO challenge continues into the final week I decided I would try and make some QSO's up on the VHF bands. I opened up my Satscape software to see if any satellites were in range and powered up my FT-847 Earth Station just in time to work into VO-52. I found myself coming in well on the satellites downlink frequency 145.900MHz as I transmitted my signal via uplink on 435.250MHz. At 19.43 utc I called "CQ SAT" and was soon making QSO with OH5LK - Jussi from Finland, grid locator square KP30ON. OH5LK was putting a nice signal into the "bird" and coming back to my station at 5/9. I also received the same report back from OH5LK - Jussi. VO-52 is in orbit at an altitude of 391 miles above the earth and puts out a very good footprint. I went on to work OM5CM - Palo in JN98DF Slovakia, also on the same pass which lasted around 10 minutes before heading beyond my horizon and out of range of my satellite array. My FT-847 is a very pleasing rig to operate th

Day 22 February QSO Challenge

Today's challenge QSO was made on 18.147MHz at 20.36 utc. The HF bands were in reasonable shape at my end, I had heard Japan on 40m and some strong US stations coming in well on 20m. On 17m I heard a big signal working a steady pile up of stations which turned out to be a DX station located 4167 miles away on the Island of Martinique, IOTA, NA-107 in The West Indies. The station I was hearing with a 5/9 signal was FM1FV - Manuel, locator FK94LO. I tried calling FM1FV for a good 20 minutes before my signal made it through the big guns that were also calling. Finally patience and determination paid off and I eventually broke through the pile up managing a good QSO with a couple of overs. I received a 5/9 signal report back from the station of FM1FV- Manuel. During the QSO I used my Carolina Windom 80m - 10m wire Antenna and YAESU FT-1000MP MARK-V Transceiver. 73 enjoy the band conditions!

Day 21 February QSO Challenge

I powered up my shack this evening wondering what signals I would be able to hear on HF as my initial tune around 20m - 10m showed that band conditions would probably be more favourable down on 40m. On 40m, I could hear quite a few stations coming in when I came across special event station HF35APAS -  Arctowski Antarctic Award part of the Worldwide Antarctic Program . HF35APAS - Janusz was working quite a nice little pile up down on 7.153.5 MHz, his signal was 5/9 solid copy. I called him using my Windom antenna and FT-1000MK-V  where I received a 5/9 report back at 20.16 utc. HF35APAS is located in JO90NK with a total distance of 914 miles from my station. Check out Janusz on QRZ for more information about the HF35APAS station. Another completed challenge in the log and only 8 more days left to air my call sign each day to successfully complete the February QSO challenge. 

Day 20 February QSO Challenge

My FT-100/Maldol Combo(mobile station) has been making some nice RF today as I worked /mobile into Belarus, Italy, Finland and Spain at various times of the day. My QSO challenge for today has to be the station I worked from Spain - EA2CCG / Mobile - Joaquin on the 20m band. EA2CCG - Joaquin was operating from his mobile station calling CQ when I heard him from my mobile station. His signal was coming in well, at around 19.30 utc I gave him a call and managed a nice QSO with Joaquin (mobile to mobile). EA2CCG/M was operating on 14.242.5MHz from Pamplona in N.Spain. The signal reports exchanged by us both was 5/7 - 5/8 with a bit of QSB thrown in making us both work that little bit harder. It was great to work another mobile operator as well as fellow HAM RADIO Blogger where you can find more information about his station.  73

Day 19 February QSO Challenge

I made a few QSOs today on both the HF and VHF bands whilst operating from my shack. The QSO I am using for today's challenge was made down on 40m where I worked Thinking Day On The Air special event station GB0GGR at 10.17 utc on 40m. GB0GGR - Girl Guiding Renfrewshire was on the air for TDA and during our QSO was being operated by Kai (home call MM1AUF). GB0GGR was coming in well from IO75QU in Scotland with a big signal of 5/9+20. I received a 5/9 report back, the total distance between our two stations is 180 miles. The February QSO challenge is going well for me as I now enter the count down for the final 10 days of completing a QSO every day and logging it here. Thanks for keeping up with me and see you tomorrow.

Day 18 February QSO Challenge

Once again I have been working hard on our kitchen/diner area all day installing the rest of the floor which is now completed. I just have the finishing touches to do and then it will be ticked off the list of home improvements and I can get back to family life and ham radio. I had to collect some more supplies earlier this evening and found myself back in the vehicle with my trusty YAESU FT-100 Maldol combo. On the way in to my local City - Bradford, I listened to EA6AM working stations that were calling him on the 20m band. I waited for the right timing and called out my call sign /mobile, EA6AM - Vicente heard me at 5/6 to 5/7 in JM29DV which is Mahon on Menorca Island (IOTA EU-004). Our QSO took place at 17.42 utc on 14.233 MHz, EA6AM was 5/9+20 at my end with a distance of around 1006 miles or thereabouts between his station and my mobile. Another days QSO challenge complete and logged here for M3TLL - Louise to check and see I am still competing for the trophy!

Day 17 February QSO Challenge

Today has been another busy day and things are going well as I continue working on the kitchen project. I had to collect some more supplies from the local hardware store so decided I would try and make a QSO at the same time while out in the mobile. I flicked through the 20m band while heading over the moor top where I found a massive signal coming in on 14.215MHz. At 19.07utc I called HTS/m where I was received by CT7ACG - Colin who was coming through 5/9+60db. CT7ACG - Colin's report back to me was 5/9, our QSO lasted for 7 minutes and during it I found out Colin originated from Yorkshire and is now enjoying living in the Algarve in Portugal. CT7ACG Locator IM57VF,  total distance between our stations is 1190 miles. Today's challenge has been completed with a very nice QSO using my FT-100 and Maldol HFC20 mobile antenna whilst on the move. 73

Day 16 February QSO Challenge

Despite being up to my eyeballs in kitchen fitting I got some spare moments to switch on my FT-1000 and work IQ3TN on 3.749MHz at 21.49 utc. IQ3TN is the Trento Italian Radio Club Station and was being operated by Nicola who was 5/9+ and sounding well. I received a 5/9 report during our QSO, I was using my windom antenna to work Nicola in JN56NA which is 786.6 miles away. I left IQ3TN working lots of other stations that were calling him there is still plenty of work back in the kitchen for me to do so just a quickie. Tonight's QSO completes today's challenge. 73 see you tommorow

Day 15 February QSO Challenge

My QSO challenge is going well however today I have been busy in the kitchen, well what's left of it. I am  working hard with Louise as we are installing a new one. You can imagine the mess and chaos but nevertheless I still completed today's challenge and worked across the pond via the AO-7 SAT . At 19.33 with my satellite beams pointing upwards at only 9º degree above my horizon I got into the bird as it passed by with a low elevation somewhere half way between the UK and USA. I called CQ a couple of times to be answered by K8TL - Thomas from Ohio, locator EM89CV. Followed by KB1PVH - Dave in Massachusetts, locator - FN42CD K8TL station is located at a total distance of 5767 miles away from my QTH and KB1PVH is 3195 miles away from me. My challenge for today carried out on VHF via AO-7 using my FT-847. Now back to the kitchen fitting! 73

Day 14 February QSO Challenge

Tonight I spent a couple of hours down on the 40m band as I called CQ PSK31 on 7.038MHz. I called longer than usual before I could complete my fourteenth QSO of the challenge. After a while I was answered and I made my first QSO of the day. The first station that I worked tonight on 40m PSK31 was Jordi - EB3JT at 21.52 utc (See below the QSO with reports and QTH information). Our two stations are located 871 miles apart and when I looked Jordi - EB3JT up on, I noticed he had a nice looking station.  I also found out that Jordi was also a Satellite chaser. Perhaps I will work him again on VHF via an amateur satellite. In the meantime its another great QSO in the February challenge log. Below is a screen shot of the QSO decoded using PSK31 Deluxe. I Copied the text from the PSK31 Deluxe window and pasted it here for anyone who might be interested! RX> 2Ø:33:26 UTC TX> 21:5Ø:48 UTC CQ CQ CQ de 2EØHTS 2EØHTS 2EØHTS CQ CQ CQ de 2EØHTS 2EØHTS 2EØHTS

Day 13 February QSO Challenge

My thirteenth challenge QSO was made this evening at 21.23 utc as I worked Nikolaj - UR5BFX via the SO-50 Satellite. I have worked Nikolaj - UR5BFX from KN29TN (The Ukraine) many times but not for quite a while, so it was a real pleasure to hear him coming in 5/5 loud and clear via the Sat. I received a 5/5 report back and went on to work a next station before loosing the "bird" which happened to be SP5XSD. The total distance between UR5BFX and my station is 1203 miles. The SO-50 Sat is orbiting at an altitude of 412 miles above Earth. That's another nice QSO in the log and another completed challenge for the day!