
Mysterious parcel arrives from the U.S.A. containing the very latest radio tech

All will be revealed very soon and all I will say for now is that an exciting opportunity to review some of the very latest products available to enhance the amateur radio experience has developed. Keep an eye open on my ham radio blog later today to see what it is all about. 73

Bed time DX

I always try to check out the band propagation before I hit the sack and tonight was worthwhile. As I sipped my coffee I worked a couple of great stations - C31RH & WB2REM. I caught C31RH nice and loud down on 40m with my Hustler 6BTV and I then tuned up to 20m and worked Jim WB2REM 5/9 both ways using the FT1000 & 150W into the Cushcraft MA5B. Well thats all for now,  I'm off to bed, got work in the morning. Thanks to all for following my radio antics, I plan to be more active late evenings starting tomorrow and will make more of an effort to share my shack activity. 73 happy ham'in'_._ 😎

Sporadic E on the 10 meter band.

It's been a while since I lasted posted which has been mainly due to good wx and lots of outside tinkering. I have been busy building up an old school Kawasaki motorcycle as well as hanging out with the kids. At the moment I'm playing radio up at the holiday shack up on the Yorkshire moor tops. I have the trusty old YAESU FT-767GX fired up into a hustler 6btv and I'm catching some eu stations up on 10 meters (28 mhz). Sporadic e season is here which means the ionised layers and magnetic fields are capable of providing some interesting radio activity on the higher HF bands. I'll be back down at home shortly so I best make the most of the time I have here but before I go, here is a new member of the DX crew. She is called Fizz. I think Finn approves.

M0YKS Active OnThe Bands Over The Easter Holidays

M0YKS - Active Throughout Easter:  Spring is in the air and I am about to start my two week holiday away from College for Easter. I have already worked some nice DX as well as European amateur stations and my radio equipment is working well and is in fine fettle. I tuned the length on my Carolina Windom 80 earlier this afternoon, I shortened the long end by 100 mm and it is now operating at a SWR reading of 1:1 on 40m and 80m. Yesterday I trimmed my hedges and cut the lawn and got the opportunity to tidy up the radials attached to my HUSTLER 6BTV, I made sure they were fully stretched out and I also cleaned the connections at the antenna base. My Cushcraft MA5B is also doing a superb job since I increased its height a couple of months ago, I have been much more successful in getting into distant stations during pileups. Finally regarding the station my FT-1000 is working well on 10 Watts into the KL405 amplifier giving me around 200 - 250 Watts out which seems quite adequate for now

M0YKS - 50 Years Young!

I do not quite know how it happened but I have seemed to have clocked up a few miles and have hit a half century already! Oh well, it must be time to turn the music up loud and party on! And that was how M0YKS spent most of his day celebrating and giving thanks for 50 good years and still not counting. It seemed a good idea as my girls had bought some some shiny new vinyl for my birthday to play on my old school HI-FI Reggae sound system. Louise my loving partner got me something that she knew i would like a lot which was a nice neat little linear amplifier which works on 80m through to 10m with 200 Watts AM and 400 Watts SSB The Amp came without the fan so I fit my own which just happens to light up red. I also wired a 30 degree temperature activating switch in line with the power feed to the fan which would prevent the fan from operating until the amplifier temperature begins to increase. A close up of the thermostatic switch which rests nicely between the cooling

Ham Radio Antenna's Vs Storm Doris

Ham Radio Antenna's Hold Up Through Storm Doris. Storm Doris is the latest weather front to hit the UK with wind speeds of up to 90 MPH I have been keeping an eye on my antenna's and shed roof. Storm Doris was loud last night and there was heavy sleet in the early hours with very strong gusts of wind but so far so good on all antenna's shed roofs and not forgetting wheelie bins. Storm Doris weather affecting a flight coming into Leeds Bradford Airport which about 3 miles away from my home QTH. Picture from the Telegraph, taken by: CHARLOTTE GRAHAM/GUZELIAN I am off work on half term holiday having a nice time with the family. Elsie my oldest got chicken pox a couple of days before the holidays so we have been taking it easy in doors which has allowed me to be in and out of the shack quite a lot where I have made many nice QSOs on 40m, 20m, 17m and 15m with a new DXCC - Antarctica in the log. The HF bands have been quite good at times throughout the week an

80M Sked With Fellow Blogger - Bas PE4BAS

This evening was the first time that I made QSO with fellow blogger and radio amateur Bas - PE4BAS. We have been following each others online activities for years and our radio contact was well over due. Bas suggested we try the 80 meter band at 21.45 utc, I checked to see if the frequency was clear and heard a big gun signal telling me to clear off h.i. It was the amateur station of PE4BAS who was coming in very nicely indeed. We moved up the band and managed to sustain a perfect QSO  for almost an hour with 5/9+ 20 to +40 db copies at both ends throughout the entire QSO. Bas was running an 80m Loop which was horizontally polarized with his ICOM and 100 watts out. I was running my FT-1000 MK-V and 100 watts into my Windom antenna. I checked the Hustler 6BTV during the QSO and found that I could hear Bas just as well apart from about 20 db drop in his signal strength with the vertical. All in all it was an excellent radio contact with plenty of information exchanged during some very

Family, Work, Shack, & Sleep!

As another weekend draws to an end I am once again listening out for any interesting signals coming through on my ham radio equipment before bed. Me recent antenna modifications definitely seem to have improved my station both the beam and vertical are working well. My next tweak will be shortening the Carolina windom by 3 inches or so to make it more resonant higher up on the 80m band. That will be easy enough and I might get it done one evening after work weather permitting, currently the windom is showing SWR at 1:1 on 3.6 MHz and reading 1:8 - 2:0 on 3.8 MHz which is where I want to listen for DX. Besides that I am active working random stations near and far in between family life and work. 73 have a good week!

CUSHCRAFT MA5B - New Ally Mounting Pole

Last weekend I ordered a 50 mm / 2 inch diameter aluminum antenna mast from TLC electrical supplies , at a reasonable price. The tube arrived last Monday which was a very quick delivery, my YL Louise M3TLL knew I would be itching to put it into service so she sent me a message when it arrived at lunch. On the way home I asked my work mate Kyle who is also a neighbor if he was up for lending a hand which was fine by him. I have the Cushcraft 5 band mini beam mounted on a home-brew heavy duty tripod which is held stable with ground rods and large concrete blocks, I previously made a service platform above the tripod which allows the mast, rotator and antenna to be taken up and down reasonably quickly.  With the assistance of Kyle who towers over me at a mighty 6 ft 4 inch of height I knew the changing over of a short 2 ft tube to my new shiny 6 ft tube would be a lot easier than my usual one man struggle. Sure enough the extra pair of hands paid off and the Beam was up, down, switc

Hustler 6BTV - New Radials

HF radio conditions have been pretty grim on an evening back in the shack lately so I decided to try and optimize my Hustler 6 Band Trap Vertical in the hope that I may get a bit more of a helping hand on the 40 meter band. My new Pup Finn is already showing interest in antennas and is inspecting the new radials for size! I decided to go with the recommended radial sizes seen below taken from the Hustler 6BTV user manual. I used some 2.5 mm multi-strand PVC coated copper wire which is typically used in electrical installations. With the help of my larger soldering iron I was able to join three radials to two sides of the mount giving a total of six radials which worked out as, two for 40M, two for 20M and two for 10M. I might add some more bands later as the result so far are providing excellent SWR readings less than 1.2 without the ATU. I just need some half decent conditions to get some good DX signal reports down on 40M and I shall post the outcome. In the meantime check

M0YKS Mobile - ZL1BD New Zealand

On the way in to work I was fortunate to get my 100 watts and FT-857 /m heard by  AL - ZL1BD  I have been hearing AL ZL1BD on and off in the mornings for the past week or so but today was especially good conditions as his signal was peaking at 5/9 as I drove over Baildon Moor. I had a good couple of overs into Hamilton New Zealand and received a 5/3 signal report back to the van. The Shack of ZL1BD AL

Puppy Love

Hello from Finn, our new 8 week Lurcher pup. Finn will soon be learning about Ham radio, especially portable operations once he is big enough to embrace the great outdoors.

Dudley The DX Hound

Sadly My Beloved Companion and Loyal Friend Passed Away On Wednesday The 28th Of December 2016 Dudley was the best dog I could have ever hoped to have had the pleasure of sharing 13 years of pure happiness with. He will be in our hearts forever, My family and I are feeling very sad and hope the New Year brings some good times for everyone.

Christmas Eve QSO with Santa

Up early and checking the bands on Christmas eve, I found two nice stations to work. The first was Bob VP8LP located on the Falklands Islands and the second was Santa Claus operating as OF9X from the Arctic circle. My two young daughters were in the shack and heard me talking with Santa just before he gets ready to set off on his reindeer powered sledge delivering lots of presents.

Seasons Greetings 2016

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a great holiday!