
Real Time Satellite Tracking

Searching round the internet I found this useful site for those of you that don’t have satellite tracking software. The site shows real time satellite tracking for a range of satellites. The ISS is the default satellite tracked on the homepage and it gives you useful information such as speed, altitude, elevation and azimuth position as well as the current longitudes and latitude. The site automatically works out your location from your computer’s IP address, you can also choose to add the satellites footprint and direction line At the top of the page you can find menus for most popular, most tracked and latest launches. If you click on All Categories you’ll find a list of satellites listed which includes Amateur Radio and Weather satellites. Click on the type of satellite you are looking for and you’ll find a list of information including launch dates and the options to either ‘Track it’ or ‘Passes.’ If you choose ‘track it’ it will show you the satellites current position on Google ...

ISS Cross Band Repeater Latest Video

ISS Cross Band Repeater Worked - RX-Down Link 145.800 FM -TX-UP Link 437.800 FM

Earlier this evening (Saturday) I managed to get in to the ISS (International Space Station) cross band repeater during its oncoming orbital approach and worked M0IKB Angus from Scarbourgh, E.Yorkshire. The ISS’s onboard Transponder was very active with many Hams being heard during the ISS pass over my location, IO93CU Baildon Moor. I used my Yaesu FT-847 & IOIo beam to work through the ISS and Satscape on my computer to track and get the correct position to turn the beam. Thanks for watching, best 73.

Ham Shack on The Hill

The Holiday seems a distant memory as the last couple of weeks have been flying by speedily here and I have felt the strains of work and the cold dark wintery days that we have been seeing. Despite the usual moans, the New Year has started off ok so far. As far as playing radio I have already had some fun filled hours of radio from the shack as well as some nice contacts being made from the mobile. The beginning of the month started quiet on the HF bands here in Yorkshire. The entire HF spectrum has not been very active with not much propagation during my usual radio time which is usually most evenings and weekends. The 2 meter band has however been quite interesting especially around the first weekend of the month (3rd) when contacts of over 200 miles were being made throughout numerous QSO’s up and down the country. I made the most of the sporadic E conditions operating the Yaesu FT-847 and 50W using FM and a 7/8 wave vertical antenna. I gave a couple of CQ Calls on the calling frequ...

W.A.B (Worked All Britain) HF Mobile Station

As the holiday draws to an end Louise (M3TLL), Dudley (Dx Hound) and I continue to make the most of our new walking boots and weather proof clothing and once again take to the Moorland high ground. We head up to Rombalds Moor totting up a few more miles whilst taking in the winter sights. After the walk I decided to change the 20m Maldol for the HFC 80 and see if I could get into the W.A.B Net that was active on 3.760.0 LSB. The Net Controller - GM3VTY Keith was receiving me well from SE14BRA and gave me the opportunity to work all of the other W.A.B Stations that were on the band. I have been a member of W.A.B since 2004 and don't activate squares as regularly as I could whilst out in the mobile. After having so much fun today you can expect to hear 2E0HTS/M calling CQ W.A.B! Hear is the video showing my W.A.B activity. Thanks to, GM3VTY, G8CBU, G0RQL, ON3WAB, G4JZF, G7WAB, EI9HQ, & G0TRB all worked from SE14BRA.

Happy New Year from 2E0HTS

Happy New Year to all and hope to meet you on the Air Waves some time soon during 2009! The new year has started rather chilly hear at the 2E0HTS QTH, so I decided to try out one of my Christmas presents that Louise (M3TLL) had got me ;-). I headed outside into the cold (0 degrees) with my LG KU 990, a 5Mega pixel camera phone and took some shots of the antennas looking slightly frozen. Despite the ice formation on the elements, signals are sounding clear with very little noise on the HF bands which is a welcomed change as the noise levels were very high during the Christmas period. (Too many Christmas Tree lights causing QRN h.i). Here are a few pictures of my antennas which are basic but work well for me at 1000ft asl. I Hope to work some good openings during 2009 and wish you all Happy DX! Home Brew IOIo Beam (145/435 MHZ|) and One side of G5RV Leg Other side of opossite Leg of the G5RV and the Magnificent 1000 ft ASL View looking West 20m Home Brew Delta Loop Hustler 6BTV Ground M...

Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All! Thanks for all of the fantastic comments, advice, ideas and encouragement as well as all of the emails sent during the year. Thank you to All at Planet Ham . Thank you to all Stations worked and all QSLs received, hope to do it all over again in 2009. And finally Thank you All for visiting Ham radio and reading my blog posts as well as putting up with the many radio video's h.i! Have a great Christmas holiday and all the best for the new year!