
Merry Christmas from Ham Radio Blogspot


A YLs Guide to Christmas Gifts by M3TLL - Louise

Living with a radio ham means you instantly have ideas for Christmas gift buying. If you want to buy your radio amateur a hobby themed gift here are a few ideas you might want to consider. Ideas for Stocking Fillers * Anything with his callsign on it I can't begin to describe the joy on 2E0 HTS's face when he received through the post from an Slovenian ham friend (S57CW/S57ORG) a miniature Slovenian registration plate with his callsign on it. I can only assume the same would apply for any merchandise with his callsign written on it. A mug, a tshirt , a woolly hat for his DXpeditions . The possibilities are pretty much endless. * Earphones If, like me, occasionally you want some peace and quiet from the endless CQ calls and other amateurs tuning up then why not invest in a good pair of earphones. He'll think you care, you'll be able to watch telly in peace! Happy Christmas! * Stationery A radio ham always needs something to scrawl on and with. I learnt early on not ...

Base, Mobile & Portable Station eQSL Confirmed QSOs

Whilst sending out some recent eQSL cards I got curious and decided to check how many Countries I had actually worked/logged with eQSL. I was interested to see just how well I was doing from my mobile whilst out and about away from the shack. The eQSL /M cards can be few and far between as I have to depend on the other stations that I work whilst mobile to send their eQSL as I stick to driving rather than logging. So with this in mind you can imagine that plenty of nice QSOs/DX doesn’t always get confirmed by eQSL. Thanks to all you guys that are keen eQSLers, I still managed to compile a good start to a hopeful longer list to come of Countries worked and confirmed. I also added Countries I have worked whilst mobile in Scotland and Wales. I use a different eQSL card when operating from the mobile, the shack or any portable stations which can be seen heading each section. Please don't worry radio amateurs from Wales, I will try much harder to make more QSO next time I visit ;-) Mob...

Latest Upload to the 2E0HTS QSL Gallery

I spent most of this afternoon on my computer logged on to the eQSL website confirming and downloading the latest batch of eQSL cards, which I then upload to my other blog - 2E0HTS QSL Gallery . I have been uploading eQSL cards that I receive from both Hams and SWLs to the site for a couple of years now. There you can find eQSL cards displayed that I have received dating from early 2004 to present day. If you have worked or heard my station active and have sent me a eQSL, it will be there somewhere. Follow the older posts link found at the bottom of the page to find earlier eQSL cards I uploaded. For the latest upload to the 2E0HTS QSL Gallery , I decided to put the received eQSL cards into categorised headings which slightly helps to organise things when dealing with a lot of uploading. In this case I had a back log of 131 eQSL cards to get through. The new simplified Headings that I will be using from now are as follows: 2E0HTS HF Bands eQSL Confirmed Amateur Radio Contacts 2E0HTS ...

20M Sked With S57ORG - Marko

Video of QSO between S57ORG and myself at Marko - S57ORG portable location in Slovenia on Sunday 7th November Thank You Very Much for this Video Marko, its great to hear myself sounding nice and loud in Slovenia. 73 Hope to catch you again on HF and the Satellite Bands.

NOAA 19 Over The UK Sunday 7th November 12.45 utc


HO-68 Mode V/U (J) FM Voice Repeater

I continued chasing the Satellites yesterday and managed to get into HO-68 before I called it a day. I caught the HO-68 pass on video which can be seen below. Enjoy! During this pass HO-68 is operating in FM mode. Contact is made with SW6KRV, UT3NW & ES5QA whilst the Satellite is at a distance of around 750 miles from the Station of 2E0HTS.