
M7ELC Raw Score CQWW 2021

  M7ELC - Elsie Operating In Her First CQWW Contest. This years CQWW managed to get the attention of YL Elsie M7ELC and I had doubts as to if I would be active myself as she took over the shack. Of course I was totally happy that Elsie wanted to make plenty of DX and it was a proud moment watching her in action. As you can see she did amazing for her first ever contest.  My efforts were also quite good once M7ELC moved over and I got in the hot seat. I managed 22 zones this year which is my previous high score from a few years ago. I have yet to beat 22 out of 40 zones but I thought conditions were pretty good with plenty of nice signals and lots of DX. As usual I had an assistant taking care of tracking the Zones, this year it was my youngest daughter Martha. She probably will be going for a licence herself once she is ready to learn the less fun stuff. In the meantime a great job with the tracking and art work with her CQ WW Zone chart below. Catch you all again ...

CQ WW DX 2021

 Just 10 days to go before my favourite radio contest takes place! I will be checking out that my station is working properly in advance and plan to be active from tomorrow on and off all week. I wonder what the results will be like this time now that we are experiencing some decent regular openings on all of the HF bands. Looking forward to catching up with some of you on the air! Good DX and best 73 enjoy your weekend because next weekend will be radio chaos lol.

Still Active and Operating Ham Radio

  Its been an awful long time since I posted here on my old blog! Well I am still in good health and of course still playing lots of Ham radio when I have spare time. The past month or so has been crazy at work so my live streams on YouTube has suffered and I have not been as active on camera as usual. I have of course still been here in the shack just slightly with more of a lower profile whilst hunting for the precious DX.  The station at M0YKS is still working exceptionally well, all antennas are holding up well so far and I have a nice new three section ladder to help maintain and keep them that way.  I also have a second valve amplifier which runs the same Russian military tank GI7BT Ceramic valves. This one is currently in use and is in a nice shiny Ameritron casing. My original GI7BT amplifier is now rebuilt with new valves and a few other bits and pieces. I had converted the Valve mounting setup after advise from a local amp guy but found it not suitable to operat...

M7ELC Working Satellites and ISS...What's Next?

 Well its been a great couple of weeks and to cap things off we recently had a fantastic Van camping expedition up in Galloway Scotland. M7ELC and myself M0YKS got the chance to use the MM prefix whilst out and about in the DX Machine.  The band conditions were fair and I worked Puerto Rico and USA as well as into Russia and across Europe. I heard Indonesia and my FT-857 performed well using both Hustler mobile and Maldol mobile antennas. On our return Elsie M7ELC was straight back in the shack and this time she worked her first Space contact using the ISS repeater which was awesome! So after a busy week which included getting my FT-817 repaired by a very nice guy called Karl - M0KRL from South Yorkshire. The FT-817 has a new PA output for both HF and VHF after it was blown many moons ago. I will be playing /p out and about and also trying it on the satellites in the coming week. I am pleased to have got it repaired as well as opened up across the full 40m band.  So like...

M0PIR Wins The Microphone Tower

 I would like to thank all of you guys that entered the competition, it was a bit of fun to mark the end of lockdown and my regular weekly live streaming check ins. I'm sure you have all seen enough of me keeping you up late at night lol. So finally the time is here for at least a bit less of the live streams. lol.  I'm amazed how many of you guys have kept up. Thanks for the company throughout the past year and half of a very unusual time and we made it! Yeah!!! From now on as we move into the next solar cycle and summer freedom I will be doing the live stuff as and when I am in the mood lol, the same goes for the regular video recordings.  Anyway the answers to the competition for the microphone stand are: 1. My 1st Call - M3HTS   2, How many Valves in my amp - 2 3,What is my most popular YouTube video of all time - Hustler base station antenna used on my mobile  So a few got some correct and three of you got all of the right answers. Well done! I did a l...

M0YKS MINI TOWER MIC Stand Competition


Ham Radio Activity - New Licensee in the Household M7ELC - M0YKS Mini Tower Competition

Well its been far too long since i posted here so I thought I best sort that out. What have I been doing lol. Lots of radio including livestreams, a few repairs and plenty of work. You might have seen on my YouTube channel that my eldest daughter Elsie has now become one of us and now holds her own Call sign at the sweet age of 10 years (only just as well). Her Mum M3TLL, Sister and I are all very proud of her amazing achievement. We have been working together throughout lockdown teaching Elsie and she has been an awesome student that's for sure! Well done M7ELC - Elsie. As well as playing plenty of radio I recently achieved the QRZ DX100  using only a microphone and antenna no digital modes or internet!  I have also had a bit of time to take down the satellite antennas and rotator for a 5 year service. This went well, I since refit the installation in a different more accessible location to the side of my QTH as well as replace a broken reflector and change the polarisation ...