U.K Weather Continues To Improve

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Once again NOOA 15 gives a good look at what is happening around 17.50 utc

I have not been so active on the HF bands as I have been busy fabricating a tow hitch/bar for my Vehicle.This is not a problem as I am a fully qualified Welding and Fabrication Engineer, so I was what we say? Playing! I made two attachments one is a straight forward tow ball bracket and the other will allow the mounting of a 6BTV from Hustler.The new home brew Tow bracket will shortly be put to the test as I am picking up a new toy which is a Kawasaki 750 spectre US import this thursday on the motorcycle trailor I am borrowing.

The Antenna mount will get tested when I set up Portable Station in about a month at the annual Keighley Show. There I will errect the Six Band Trapped Vertical( Hustler 6BTV) and fix it to my Vehicle using the homebrew Bracket/Mast so expect to here more about the Keighley Show nearer the time.
As far as the new edition to my Motor Cycle Collection I am looking forward to playing around with a Custom bike this weekend I am a 750 Kawasaki fan as you may have noticed back in my archives where you can see my Kawasaki GPZ 750 as well as my Suzuki Bandit. ;-)

I enjoy Motor Cycles on an even parr with Ham Radio so dont be to hard on me when I occasionaly blog about Bikes.

73 see you soon


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