The 2E0HTS Ham Shack Gets a New Desk

Last week I finished building up my new office desk which was to be used to house both computer and radio gear. The desk assembly took long enough (flat pack), but the real work was re-fitting the radio’s, feeder’s, mike’s, and the rest of the ham radio paraphernalia. Since the re-arranging of the equipment has been finalised I have had the opportunity to play radio and last night I worked 9 US stations which most were 5/9.

The new shack desk wasn’t stamped and approved until a visit and tinker around with the rigs and a quick swing in the chair by old mate Barry – 2E0OOC (Pictured above) had taken place. Once I could prise 2E0OOC out of the hot seat I managed to get back on 20m and play some more before the evening comes to an end. I wonder where the weekend went?


Phaze58 said…
Wow New desk looks nice
cant wait to see it in the flesh so to speak .
MØYKS Simon said…
Thanks Phil

Tried the BBQ out on Saturday, it was a bit breezy! Looking forward to burning some more meat soon and seeing you there.

Catch up soon


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