New Doublet Working Well On 40M

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Last night was spent calling CQ on 40m, I was very pleased to make many interesting contacts on the band.
I was very surprised how well my relatively newly installed 130ft home brew Doublet was performing and I made some great signal report exchanges.

Many Stations were operating with only a 40/50 watts and the odd station was only running 5 watts. I managed to work into Europe - Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and European Russia.

I also had some great contacts up and down G-Land working Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland with 5/9 reports both ways and sometimes stronger. Later in the evening I was called by a Canadian Mobile station from Halifax in Nova Scotia.

All in all, the entire evening provided some great conversation both local and DX all on 7.175 MHZ. I like thank all of the Stations that came back to my CQ call and I shall be active tonight somewhere near by that frequency again calling CQ. Good DXing and happy weekend.


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