Home Brew 80m Delta Loop

click to enlarge image of Delta Loop

I have been so pleased with the 20M Delta loop I decided to scrap the dipole and have a go at home brewing an 80m Delta loop instead.

The result was well worth it as I found that the new loop antenna receives and transmits very well on 80M (resonant band), it also tunes up very easily on 160M & 40M, giving impressive results with very low noise levels.

The Delta loop is installed as seen in the above image with all of the dimensions included. I shall be posting more once I have had chance to test it further, I am really pleased so far and excited as usual, I'm looking forward to telling you more!


ranprew said…
Beautiful -- as usual. Good DX with it.

Tell us the length of the feedline -- how far is it from your feedpoint to your shack?

You inspire us. Keep it up.

Randy K4LJA
MØYKS Simon said…
Thanks Randy,

The feed line is RG58 Heavy coax at a total length of 30 feet.

I use a dipole centre fed from a coaxial balan which in turn is fed by a 4inch diameter coil - coaxial choke (8 turns) fed back 30ft to the shack.
All of the antenna distances are very close by to the shack with all feeders approx 30ft from the radios.

Hope you get to have a go at this amazing loop. I worked a couple of USA Station the other night on 80M using my 80M Delta loop. (Very Pleased with results so far).

See you on Twitter and hope to catch you on the Bands soon!

All the best and Tnx again
Simon and Co
歡唱 said…
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PE4BAS, Bas said…
Hello Simon, I use a 84m horizontal loop at the moment and am impressed with the results. Though I cannot tune it on 160m. It is on about 7m heighand I feed it with a 450ohm ladderline. 73, Bas

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