Great Path to Japan

Earlier this afternoon whilst receiving NOAA weather images on my FT-847, I was listening to 17m on my FT-1000MKV mp hooked up to the Carolina windom, when I heard Mega - JA3EGZ. I listened for a while as he worked a nice steady flow of Stations located across the globe.

After about 30 minutes once the initial pile up had diminished I heard him with a signal strength of 5/7 calling "QRZ." It was then when I gave just one Call and to my great satisfaction was heard by Mega - JA3EGZ.

JA3EGZ gave me a 5/5 signal report during our qso, I am very pleased with the CW-80 antennas performance on 17m as well as from 80m right through to 10m.The Carolina Windom is a great wire antenna when installed well, with the 6 band Vertical as a second choice, this new QTH is working well on the HF bands and seems to have a great path to JA.

Happy DXing, 73!


PE4BAS, Bas said…
Congrats on the nice QSO with Japan. Nice to read the new QTH is a good oe for radio. Have a good DX...73, Bas
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Bas thanks for the comment. I am delighted with the new QTH it is situated on a nice little hill surrounded by woodland moor side. So far I've heard lots of DX and I am enjoying trying my luck working as many as I can in between a few nursery rimes!

All the best to you and the Family, 73, Simon

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