Cobweb Comes Down Cushcraft Goes Up!

After a great holiday on the Island of Anglesey with the family away from it all, I got back home and took my Cobweb antenna down. The time had come to get my Cushcraft MA5B out of the shed and up in the air. I have had it for a number of years but had not had the opportunity to use it.

I must say I am quite impressed so far with the performance of the "mini beam"and I can see quite a difference in signal reception. I have already started working some good DX with the MA5B 3 element Yagi, lots of North and South America and also Bob VP8LP from the Falkland islands.
I am very happy that I put it up even though it is not as high as i would of liked.

Hope to hear you on the bands soon! 73 de Simon M0YKS


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