Testing YAESU FTDX101MP on AM 10 Meter Band 29MHz


This afternoon I was listening for signals on 29MHz AM when I heard a great signal coming acroaa the Atlantic from Milford, Massachusetts. The signal was coming from the amateur radio station of K1ETP Rich and his signal was peaking at 5/9+10db with slight QSB..
I was trying out the AM Mode to see how well it performed with my FTDX101MP. I have already had success on this mode as I previously made AM contacts with this radio on 20M into Europe when I made a QSO into Sweden. More recently I have been trying to catch some more AM on 10 Meters. I am interested in seeing how the FTDX101MP performance is on AM. This contact was absolutely fantastic and possibly one of the clearest sounding DX signals that I have heard on any mode. my verdict is: Maybe the radio should have been given 100W rather than 50W on AM. The findings are: It is brilliant on receiving. this video shows the reception quality without noise reduction or any DSP filtration, just simple straight AM. After the report I received this time on 10m and last time on 20M it is producing an excellent transmission with great audio from the FTDX101MP hooked up with the M-70 desk mic. 

So it seems when conditions are good and you use a half decent antenna, 50W is plentiful. Great result very good contact indeed. thanks to Rich K1ETP.


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