
U.K Weather Continues To Improve

Click on image to ENLARGE Once again NOOA 15 gives a good look at what is happening around 17.50 utc I have not been so active on the HF bands as I have been busy fabricating a tow hitch/bar for my Vehicle.This is not a problem as I am a fully qualified Welding and Fabrication Engineer, so I was what we say? Playing! I made two attachments one is a straight forward tow ball bracket and the other will allow the mounting of a 6BTV from Hustler.The new home brew Tow bracket will shortly be put to the test as I am picking up a new toy which is a Kawasaki 750 spectre US import this thursday on the motorcycle trailor I am borrowing. The Antenna mount will get tested when I set up Portable Station in about a month at the annual Keighley Show. There I will errect the Six Band Trapped Vertical( Hustler 6BTV) and fix it to my Vehicle using the homebrew Bracket/Mast so expect to here more about the Keighley Show nearer the time. As far as the new edition to my Motor Cycle Collection I am looki...

NOOA 15 Sunday Night Pass Over My Part Of The Planet

Click on Image to ENLARGE Hi Folks :-) I am happy to be able to say that we have been able to enjoy a rain free weekend with nice sunny intervals here at the QTH. Thankfully this has changed our moods too Happy, after a Terribly wet couple of months and I am pleased to say that after the bad weather all is well up on the Moor Tops of West Yorkshire. Over the weekend Ive been listening on the bands, it hasn't been great but has had occasional DX openings especially on 20M with the odd strong Signals been heard from Indonesia and other DX countries. I have been quite busy listening out for Weather satellites around 137.300mhz, 137.400mhz, 137.500mhz, 137.620mhz, 137.850mhz, & 137.912.5mhz. I have had some good results as we had some clear Sky's allowing better images of the different Countries of Europe possible. As you can see from the above image of tonights pass over my QTH I managed to receive signals on 137.500 mhz that were coming from NOAA 15. NOAA 15 is just One of ...

Dont Believe What The Weather Man Says!

This is an Image I received tonight on my Yaesu FT857 from NOAA 15 You cant always trust what the TV weather presenters say! So my advice is to do your own Weather monitoring with a little help from the NOAA weather satellites. It has been Sunny and warm today for the first time since I returned from my holiday in Ibiza, but looking at the above image I best keep my water proofs at close hand. The Video below shows how I received this Image and also includes a special appearance from Dudley the wanna be Radio Ham Greyhound. 73, thanks for visiting, take care and please come back soon! Simon

Views from My QTH (when its not raining)

Click on Images to Enlarge My home QTH is out on the Moor Tops in the County of Yorkshire, You may have seen on the World News channels that we have been getting a months rainfall every day for the last few weeks. I am fortunate to be high enough at 1000ft ASL to avoid any flooding! however the lightning has been striking very close to my antennas and I have to wear waterproof s and wellington boots an awful lot hi hi. Looking North Looking South East toward Europe Looking South West Towards South America & The Carribean Looking West Toward North America

Map Of My Stations Radiated Signals Around The Globe

I have plenty of places left to get my signals to go too! The Map is just a guide of where I have made it to so far. A more detailed Map breaking down the individual Countries hopefully in a future post.

The Worlds No 1 Mobile Ham Station

I was watching some youtube videos when I came across some fellow Hams with the coolist mobile station I have ever seen. Good film fellows! I liked it so much I decided to share. Enjoy! 73 Simon...