CQ WW 2012

As usual I was active throughout the weekend on the HF bands during this years CQ World Wide Contest. I spent some cash on a new alloy pole which I used to raise the height of my Cobb-Webb multi band antenna just in the knick of time. Despite my enthusiasm I did not beat last years result as I ended up working fewer zones than previously, but I still had some great DX even though conditions were not quite as good as last year. I worked lots of stations from all over using my FT1000MP Mark -V and Cobwebb antenna. I kept myself mainly focused on 10 meters, 15 meters and 20 meters with a few qso also made down on 40 & 80 meters. Overall I had a blast! I must have worked the whole of the Caribbean as well as South and North America. My signals were radiating well into Africa, The Middle East and all the way up to Iceland and Greenland. I heard Taiwan very faintly up on 10 meters but did not really experience...