EasyPal On 80M

The past few evenings have been quiet up on the usual HF bands so I decided to have have a play around with EasyPal down on 80M. Here are a couple of nice quality images that I received with my FT-1000 transceiver hooked up to my PC. Received by 2E0HTS, transmitted from the amateur station G0MJD G0MJD Received by 2E0HTS, transmitted from the amateur station DB2HS I did manage a nice QSO into Jan Mayen earlier tonight when I worked JX9JKA on 40m. Signal reports were up at 5/9 both ways with some strong QSB thrown in! I have worked JX9JKA Svein before up on 20m, I was pleased to catch him this time in a pile up on 40m with my Windom antenna. 73 Happy DX