Mobile DX Into VK1

I was pleased to hear the 20m band wide open this morning as I drove to work. I came across Matt - VK1MA calling CQ at around about 8.15 utc coming in loud and clear 5/9+ whilst driving over the moor tops. I put out a call back from my mobile FT-857 and was heard first shout by VK1MA who gave me a 5/6 - 5/8 signal report. I was pleased with the good report as I only run 70-80 watts into my mono band Maldol antenna from the Yaesu 857. I couple of months back I opened up the hidden menu in the FT-857 and backed off a few of the default audio settings, I also added a bit of top end to my modulation. The /M radio reports that I have been receiving since the adjustments regarding my signal and audio quality have been very positive and I have been working lots of Stations whilst /M, enjoying it very much indeed. 73 Hope to work you on the bands soon! Keep HF Mobiling!