Once Again, Big VK Signals Into The DX Mobile

My mobile amateur radio set up has been doing a fine job as usual. For the second week in a row solar activity on the 20m band has continued to provide some fantastic openings into VK and I have heard many stations coming in really well early in the morning. Today at around 7.10 utc I heard VK1MA - Matt from Canberra, Australia. I had recently worked VK1MA just last week whilst mobile and this morning it was very nice to get another opportunity to test my YAESU FT-857 and MALDOL HFC -20 mono band antenna pictured below. My signal report from Matt this time was 5/6, he was a good 5/9 solid copy into the DX Machine... I had a quick browse back through my blog and noticed I worked VK1MA back in March so I guess the 10500 miles between our antenna is almost a regular path for good two way communications on the move! 73