Seasons Greetings and Happy DX

Almost that time of year again and it sure feels like it too. Very cold here in Yorkshire England at the moment and I am looking forward to the holidays which are approaching fast. This year I get to enjoy two weeks away from the workplace which means there will be plenty of time to fire up the FTDX101MP and make some merry DX. Talking of DX..... This evening was decent on HF as I worked some nice DX up on 10m - KP4PR and LU5FC and then down on 20m I was able to work TO9W, K9NEM and ZF2OO with some lovely signal reports exchanged. All SSB voice, using 200w barefoot from the 101MP hooked up to my trusty Cushcraft MA5B multi band yagi antenna. I will catch up with you again soon and hopefully catch you on the Air over the holiday period. I may try a couple of live streams in and among the festive fun. In the meantime SEASONS GREETINGS and Have fun!