Back To Work After The Summer Break

I hope you like the new blog look that Louise has found me.

The past week has been very busy at the College where I work.There are many new Students starting new courses in various Vocational subjects. Its the one of the busiest times so you can imagine I am running around trying to remember everyones names. I am looking forward to seeing these young learners progress and succeed and at the moment its good to see some good behavior and enthusiasm from young learners.

As you may have guessed it has not been so easy to play radio the last few evenings.
I have been riding the recently purchased Kawasaki 750 to work due to the good weather lasting, so working mobile has been limited.Its been fun and also saved me a fortune on petrol.

This Thursday evening I am gonna be in the STAR Centre with Louise M3TLL, we will be helping a group of Ranger Scouts learn a bit more about radio and propagation with the aid of the Centres Radio Communication shack situated next to the MARS Landscape. It should be a good night and the course will be in two parts so i get to do some more in a fortnight. I shall probably have more to say in the near future.

Coming up in OCTOBER on Saturday the 20th will be Jamboree on The Air where we usually have Cubs and Scouts visiting from West and North Yorkshire. I will be mainly on the HF Bands, 80m,40m and 20m from 9-4pm with my own callsign and hopefully we will operate MX0KSC once i get conformation that my fellow club mate Phil M1PAC can attend.

I shall attempt to call CQ on 2m in the hope that we hear another local Scout station as previous calling on 145.500 has proved to be a rare thing when any response is heard from well received local amateurs.

I am always happy to speak with distant amateurs who take the time to quickly say a few friendly words to the students in the shack, this always puts a smile on all who are in the vicinity of the Yaesu FT 1000 mp mkV. This rig is the same one used in the video of MX0KSC/p and has performed well up until the minor fault we had the other week,but seems good now.

The students often log many other stations and usually i try to split each group up giving them all certain tasks to do with a 30 minuet time span encouraging each group to compete against the other. This usually results in hundreds of Radio Amateur and broadcast stations been logged and found on the many bands using the rigs and receivers in the facility during the day. Its usually a good fun day for all.

that's it for now and hopefully ill be more active on the bands in the up and coming days. So if you hear me give me a shout or just say hello.

73 all the best Simon.


Nash , JN4VWH said…
Hello Simon, this is Nash.

Your new Blog looks good! cool! (^-^), I think.

And you have started a new term, Simon, in September. I imagine that you have a lot of stimulated things every day with your students! It is a wonderful job, isn’t it?
(It is in April that we start a new term every year in Japan.)

I will have to back to my work, too. The second term of this year will begin soon, Hi. (and it will finish at the end of the second term in March.)

Have wonderful days, Simon!
Sayonara 73 from Nash JN4VWH, Japan
MØYKS Simon said…
Hello Nash, Its good to hear from you :-) I hope you had a nice holiday, I agree with you it is a wonderful job most of the time h.i.

Good luck with your new term i am sure everything will be great.

I am looking forward to our next QSO on MSN and of course HF when the band is open.
Maybe this will be possible during the weekends as the both of us are working during the week.

see you soon on my screen good wishes dear friend Nash,
& 73 de 2E0HTS Simon North England

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