HF pile up from 2M0HTS mobile in the North West of Scotland
A chance to view the beatiful scenery whilst seeing 2M0HTS/mobile in action
We have just returned from a weeks Camping in the Scottish Highlands and had a fantastic time. The WX (weather) was good and we both managed to obtain a sun tan as well as a paddle in the lovely Arisaig Sea. We stayed at a lovely campsite over looking the Isle of Skye, Isle of Eigg, and the Isle of Muck, which is situated 6 miles south of Malaig and is called Portnadoran and is locally known as Portnalucaig. This fabulous location was very beautiful, we managed lots of touring, walking and quite a bit of ham radio. I got the opportunity to use the Call 2M for Scotland which caused quite a bit of pile up on a few occasions from some remote places in the North West Highlands operating 2M0HTS/M.
Here is what happened during our stay, Thank you to all who managed to make the QSO it sure was fun! We can’t wait until we go back up there and do it all again! It was very beautiful and also an excellent radio operation location.
Weds on 20Meters – 2M0HTS
Mobile on the way to Oban, Fort William, and then Stationary from our Camp site at Portnadoran near Skye. (We watched a Herron fish for its supper whilst playing radio)
1. G0OKD John 5/7 QSB
2. M3DFW Darren 12 Miles North of Newcastle 5/9+
3. M0GIQ in Scunthorpe Gordon 5/7
4. IZ0IMU 5/3
5. GI6DCC 5/9+ Charlie in Omagh
6. G6BDV Rob located in St Albans was 5/9 with QSB
7. G0BSD Dave near Liverpool 5/9+ *Dave stayed on frequency and continued having a good rag chew with us. Hope to hear him again!*
8. 2E0JJB John in Bridlington 5/9
9. M0WHC Bill near the Liverpool football ground 5/9+20
10. 2E0ZMS Matt in Kirkby Moorside near York 5/9+10
11. G0BSD Dave near Liverpool 5/9+ asking how our BBQ went
12. M1AZZ 5/9 Tom South of Bridlington
13. 2E0LSB Andy from Dudley 5/9
14. 2E0CSG Derrick 5/9 from Burnley * I know Derrick we sat our Exam together*
15. M0HRC Wayne from Neverton 5/9
16. M0KOM Lenny from Middlesbrough 5/9+
17. G1KVQ Tony 5/9
18. 2E0NCH Nathan from Middlesbrough 5/8
19. G0OWU Rick from Dudley 5/9
20. PA/DK1GLM/M 5/9 Ludwig
21. EB1BSU 5/5
22. M0JHA Billy from Manchester operating QRP (5 watts) 5/9
23. EA3/GI3NVW Bill 5/9
24. 4U1ITU Geneva 5/9
25. HB2008FS 5/9
26. OS??? QSB sorry!
Thursday on 40m
Tried My Maldol HFC-40 Antenna near Mallaig, (I saw a pack of Stags and Deer roaming r the hillside)
27. OT2A 5/9
Friday morning on 20m
Heading To Ardnamurchan
28. PA0?KO Gerard on 5 watts 5/5 QSB
29. PD1LVK Louis 5/5 with QSB
30. PC4U Marc in the Netherlands 5/9
31. G4WQZ John in Portsmouth 5/9+20 with QSB
32. G4ACS Geoff in Kidderminster 5/8 - 5/9+
33. DL4EDC 5/8
34. DL4DZL Fred 200km South of Berlin 5/9
35. M1CXK Dartford 5/9
36. M0WYB Russ 5 miles South of Bath 5/9 *Told Me I was on the DX cluster*
37. PD0RXK Jan Netherlands 5/5 – 5/7
38. PA9RB Luuk operating QRP (5 watts) 5/9
39. G3RWF Nick in Canterbury 5/9
40. M1CXK Dartford 5/9
Friday Afternoon 20m
Near to Loch Moidart and then Portnadoran (We saw a Golden Eagle looking for its lunch)
41. MU3VWQ 5/9
42. G7JAK David in Lowestoft 5/9
43. M3KUZ Ken in Newquay, Cornwall 5/9
44. DL2FJK 5/8
45. OO4P/m Phil 5/8 – 5/9 * Mobile to Mobile*
46. PA3FRD Brian 5/9
47. PA0KT Jan 5/9
48. DL7UCW Ben collecting WAB squares 5/7 5/9 * gave Ben 2 new rare WAB squares *
Friday Evening 20m
Near Mallaig and Portnadoran
49. IZ6BXU 5/8
Heard JY4CI Rafiq in Amman Jordan 5/9 on 1421205 with a massive pile-up
50. OM2VL Lotti 5/9
51. 3A2MD Laura in Monaco 5/7
Heard A61I Hammed in the UAE 1417642 with a massive pile-up 5/9
52. CX1TG 5/5
Saturday 20m
On The Return Journey whilst approaching Fort William
53. EG8CID Gran Canaries 5/9
54. ON4TWS/P – contest VB031 – 01 5/9
55. ON6VG/P Gilbert – contest VB033 018 - 02 5/8
56. ON4DST/P 132 IM3113 – 03 5/9
57. OZ7AM Alex in Copenhagen 5/9
58. ON7IDX Hans in Antwerp 5/9
Saturday 20m M74 Southbound
59. 9H4CM Charlie in Gozo 5/9
60. OZ1JVX/P – contest EU171 – 04
Saturday 2m – 2E0HTS– English Scottish Border signing as 2E0HTS/M
61. G7THI/M Frank near Penrith knows an old work colleague from my plumbing days Eric Spofforth (Mountain Search and Rescue)
Saturday 20m – 2E0HTS
Whilst passing through the Lake District on the way home Heard HZ1ZH Maan 1429500 59 big pile up, and also on the M6 near Lancaster I worked
62. CT7LTZ 59
63. E73DP Zoki 59
64. DL3AO Rolf from Stuttgart 59
65. EA3AS Mike 59
66. DL5MU 59
67. UA4CA Nick 55 – 58
I also worked a few other Stations that were not recorded and as you know it is difficult enough just getting the call signs correct whilst on the move in the mobile. A Big Thanks to Louise (M3TLL) most of you are mentioned above, Louise did a great job of managing the mobile operations and has a fantastic tolerance of radio.
We covered almost 1000 miles during our travels, the return journey took 10 hours I was grateful of all the fantastic QSOs I made which kept me awake and alert for the complete journey arriving back in Baildon West Yorkshire safe and sound.

View from Portnadoran beach looking out to the Isle of Eigg
Scotland is one of my favorite places, thanks to all of the locals for making our stay brilliant!
73 for now I am feeling recharged and ready to work some more stations.
de Simon
73 Tomas
Thanks for the flowers. The scenery is amazing and we were lucky to get good weather. There was plenty of opertunities to see many animals and other gifts of nature. We are looking forward to our return trip ;-)
Wow, spotted on cluster several times in my Mobile, fantastic to be able to cause a pile up from such a simple set up.
Hope we get to make the QSO soon in the near future.
73 Simon