Ham Radio Weather Watch

With the WX (weather) bringing snow flurries to the UK, this weeks radio activity has been spent once again in listening mode. Both the FT-767GX & FT-847 have been in operation receiving signals on HF and VHF in combinations of weather Fax's as well as satellite weather imagery.
The snow was around 6 inches/30 centimeters at its peak which was on Thursday and is still present today (Saturday) despite the suns rays trying to melt it.

As usual the best satellite images came fro NOOA 17 using Radio Com 5.2 to decode and satscape to track.

This image shows the clear sky over the UK, but looking at the approaching weather front that is in the Atlantic we better enjoy it while it lasts! RX using IOIo beam & FT-847

Here was the scene earlier on in the week, I guess I wont be riding the Kwacker for a while. h.i

The Snow did bring some good openings on Tuesday on 2m ssb during the contest as I worked some good Scottish DX using 50W on the home brew IOIo beam. Thanks to GM4PPT dick, GM6JNJ David and all the others worked during the evening.
I am very pleased with the little IOIo beams performance on 2M SSB and will be listening out for any good DX!

Hope to catch you all on HF or VHF, 73 TNX for all of your comments!


Phaze58 said…
How on earth did you get into work??????
Some times I don't envy you living out in the wilderness :)
Especially when you cant even see your own Vehicle
(or Icicle) still not got the G-5500 up yet but I am hoping SOON.Tested it yesterday and found that I had put the antennas on upside down :( corrected now I just need to get it up. Lets hope there are no more snow "Flurries"
speak to you soon , and I will give you a call on the phone to see what its like to get to you ? chrimbo card delivery .TTFN
de M1PAC
MØYKS Simon said…
Well to put it simple, I DIDN'T!!

It is still dodgy and only 4X4 friendly, so at the moment We are true Hermits!

Catch you on 2M soon,

Best regards and 73

de 2E0HTS/snow man

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