ISS Cross Band Repeater Worked - RX-Down Link 145.800 FM -TX-UP Link 437.800 FM

Earlier this evening (Saturday) I managed to get in to the ISS (International Space Station) cross band repeater during its oncoming orbital approach and worked M0IKB Angus from Scarbourgh, E.Yorkshire.

The ISS’s onboard Transponder was very active with many Hams being heard during the ISS pass over my location, IO93CU Baildon Moor.
I used my Yaesu FT-847 & IOIo beam to work through the ISS and Satscape on my computer to track and get the correct position to turn the beam.
Thanks for watching, best 73.


Phaze58 said…
Nice one simon.
I heard you but the G-5500 won't rotate and I tried on the co-liner but when I got the 2820 tuned in it was swamped . still I hope to give it a go tonight (sunday) and I watche it fly over on one of the visable passes.I am going to put a 5 ele 2 meter on the G-250 and give it a go on thatjust need to get them both down and fettled.
catch you later Si .
MØYKS Simon said…
Ah well, still great to hear that you heard me get into the ISS.

Keep trying and you will get in!

Best 73 and good luck with the G-5500 repairs.

Catch up soon.


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