Sporadic E on the 10 meter band.

It's been a while since I lasted posted which has been mainly due to good wx and lots of outside tinkering. I have been busy building up an old school Kawasaki motorcycle as well as hanging out with the kids.

At the moment I'm playing radio up at the holiday shack up on the Yorkshire moor tops. I have the trusty old YAESU FT-767GX fired up into a hustler 6btv and I'm catching some eu stations up on 10 meters (28 mhz).
Sporadic e season is here which means the ionised layers and magnetic fields are capable of providing some interesting radio activity on the higher HF bands. I'll be back down at home shortly so I best make the most of the time I have here but before I go, here is a new member of the DX crew.
She is called Fizz. I think Finn approves.


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