Working DX Whilst Mobile

This week I haven't been on air much during the evenings, I had a quick listen around but the bands have been a bit quieter on an evening. My activity this week has been mainly from my mobile station which comprises of a Yaesu FT-100, 2 Maldol HF antennas mounted on the rear (one for 14MHz and one for 7MHz) through a 2-way switch. Also, on the rear wheel there is a 7/8 wave 145/433MHz this is fixed to a home-brew stainless bracket.

My activity was mainly on listening mode travelling to workbut I did manage to contact Russia, Estonia and the Ukraine with solid 5 and 9 signals both ways. Receiving wise I have heard ZL (New Zealand) and VKs (Australian stations) quite loud all on 14MHz. This has been happening at 7.15 UTC.

On my return journey USA, Saudi Arabia and most of Europe have been giving excellent signals to the mobile which is disguised as a porcupine but is actually a humble Toyota Rav4.


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