HF/VHF Propagation Brings New Year Lift on Bands

I hope the New year is going good for you all.The Bands have been much improved over the past several days or so,with good DX been worked on HF and VHF by my Humble self 2E0HTS.

It Started During the Christmas Break when the UK was suffering some terrible weather such as Fog,Gale Force Winds and Heavy Rain.

This was when the 2M Band was wide open.I worked many stations with 5/9 reports all over the UK on FM and SSB was active with some strong German stations blasting through.

I was using the FT857 and 50w into a X200 colineer on 2M FM when i was Rag chewing with 2 locals Barry G7OFR and Ron 2E0DOG/M.This was when I was Called by a Station from Newcastle Derrick G1XXF,then Dave G3VUS QTH Cumbria,M3VGK Brian QTH Derbyshire,M0FEW Bill QTH Somerset,G0VJI Robin QTH London and also 5/9, i also worked Tom M3AGS QTH Seaview ISLE OF WIGHT.

All worked on 2M FM with an excellent VHF lift which lasted a week or so with still some intermittent good conditions.

On HF the conditions proved to remain poor with no sign of improvement on any HF Bands.

so i continued to get used to operating on SSTV mode around about 14.230 mHZ with some good contacts into Europe until New Years Day when operating on FT857,HUSTLER 6BTV i nearly fell of my chair when i herd HI8HH Mike QTH Dominican Republic, i had success and we Exchanged 5/5 reports both ways.Good News at last a bit of propagation on HF.

I also worked some European stations and a few US Stations K3N,WX3B and Vince NT4I.It sure makes a change for a little noise and some familiar, and new voices to RX.

Radio propagation is what Radio Hams Love Best!!!

Radio propagation is a term used to explain how radio waves travel when they are transmitted, or ‘propagated’ from one point on the Earth to another. Some radio waves can be reflected by objects in their path, even by gases in a certain state.

Shortwave frequencies (high frequency signals) are capable of reaching the other side of the planet because they can be refracted by the ionosphere. Amateur radio operators use the ionosphere to reflect their shortwave radio signals around the globe.

Low frequency signals have the property of following the curvature of the earth, making them ideal for continuous, continental communications. Unlike shortwave radio, longwave signals do not reflect or refract using the ionosphere, so there are fewer interference-caused fadeouts.

Higher frequency waves are used for satellite communications as they pass through the Ionosphere


Louise said…
Thief! That's my pic x

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