QSL 100%

As you can see i am very pleased with my recent delivery of 500 QSL cards from QSL Factory.The Cards have been custom made with a design created by my ever talented YL Louise M3TLL,if you would like one listen out for Me on the Bands and I will send one to You.

73 and hope to work you on Air soon.

If you are a SWL and here me on You can get one too! send me an email you can get the address from looking Me up on QRZ.com


Nash , JN4VWH said…
Hello from Japan,
My name is "JN4VWH".

Your nice QSL card! (^O^)
I would like to get it someday!

ps I bought the new (used) radio IC-706Mk2 (50W) last week, so it will be possible ...DX to Europe !?, I hope so..

My radios 430MHz--IC375(10W),144MHz--IC275(10W), HF+50MHz IC-703(10W).... and IC-706MkII(50W)
Nash , JN4VWH said…

My Antennas ....

I am using some mobile whip anntenas, made by "Comet" and "Diamond", in my veranda.

And a small mobile whip anntena "FA50" by "maldor" on the roof of my car.

I make the list on my blog

" - Radioamateur JN4VWH -
URL: jn4vwh.blogspot.com/ "

ps I would like to try using a blog in foreign language.

handle name "nash"
MØYKS Simon said…
Hello Nash JN4VWH,thanks for commenting.I had a look at your blog it was good and I would be more than happy to exchange QSO and QSL I await your CQ call.73 and good DX to you ;)
MØYKS Simon said…
i like the way you fit your radio in the Car, what car is it?
Nash , JN4VWH said…
Hello Simon,

I wrote about my mobile station with some pictures on my blog. My car is Demio 1500 of Mazda, it is a very small and conpact car, so it was very difficult to install my rig in the car. Finally....(^-^;)
MØYKS Simon said…
I like the installation and i am sure your mobile station will do well,hope to make the QSO mobile to mobile would be good.I will keep an interested eye on your web blog.73

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