My Recent QSOs Made On PSK 14.070.00 MHZ
please click on log to enlarge

As you can see I have been playing PSK with 3 new countries worked and added to my ever growing DX countries list which is currently at 124 different Countries Worked in the last three years of the programme winlog 32 log that I am currently running.
New DX added are FG5LA from Guadeloupe, TG9AHM from Guatemala and J69DS from St. Lucia.
I have dis-connected my Rigblaster Nomic Interface from the FT-847, and I swapped the jumper setting around to work in the good old FT-767 gx. The FT-767 gx is My original Rig and I have decided that it would make more sense to have it permanently wired up for digi and data mode use, as the good old switches and buttons can be adjusted much more easily than the more modern menu driven rigs.
This is much easier for audio input adjustment/fine tune.
I have been running 30Watts into the home brew 20M dipole with terrific results, I can also operate through my already connected Maldol multi band vertical which covers 40M 15M 10M 6M 2M and 70CMs.
In the meantime the other rigs are available for voice operations with my other antennas and equipment..
See you on my P.C screen via PSK Mode 73...............

As you can see I have been playing PSK with 3 new countries worked and added to my ever growing DX countries list which is currently at 124 different Countries Worked in the last three years of the programme winlog 32 log that I am currently running.
New DX added are FG5LA from Guadeloupe, TG9AHM from Guatemala and J69DS from St. Lucia.
I have dis-connected my Rigblaster Nomic Interface from the FT-847, and I swapped the jumper setting around to work in the good old FT-767 gx. The FT-767 gx is My original Rig and I have decided that it would make more sense to have it permanently wired up for digi and data mode use, as the good old switches and buttons can be adjusted much more easily than the more modern menu driven rigs.
This is much easier for audio input adjustment/fine tune.
I have been running 30Watts into the home brew 20M dipole with terrific results, I can also operate through my already connected Maldol multi band vertical which covers 40M 15M 10M 6M 2M and 70CMs.
In the meantime the other rigs are available for voice operations with my other antennas and equipment..
See you on my P.C screen via PSK Mode 73...............