Short Skip and Long Skip on HF Bands

The WX is strange but the Bands are even stranger. Here are my recent logged QSOs, as you can see I have worked short and long skip on 20M, 17M, 12M and 10M.
click on log to enlarge


Nash , JN4VWH said…
Hello Simon,
Your log, what great QSOs!!! Have you ever had the strong condition like this? It is a unbelievable world for me to work with such many stations of other countries, particulaly for me, my station.There are some big japanese stations called Big Gun. I think that they would work with many far stations. But it is necessary to prepare very high towers and big antennas to have QSOs with other countries stations from Japan, I think. But I have only one year of Radio, and I have no experience of the peak of Cycle 23, good condition all over the world. But you have had fantastic QSOs like this, Simon in this season. Anyway Felicitation! Simon.
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Nash

I hope to see jn4vwh in my log soon!!

As you can see by my log, you dont need to be a "Big Gun" to work plenty of DX...

The cycle is near the bottom going back up and there is many DX to be worked.

So my friend imagine what the bands will be like when the cycle is better good DX Nash....Simon

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