MX0KSC Keighley Star Centre QSL Cards

MX0KSC is the Call Sign of the Keighley STAR Centre which is part of park Lane College Keighley. The Station has been active for around three years and was set up to promote Science, Technology, and Maths using the theme of space to inspire learning.The shack is found along side a mock space craft, mission control, laboratry and mars landscape all located in the STAR Centre.

Since the project started over 2000 students aged 6years to 86 years have visited the STAR Centre and experienced the Radio Comms Shack of MX0KSC and as previously mentioned, many scouts have gained radio communicator badges and some Air Cadets have recently passed their exam and now own foundation licences to operate Amateur Radio.

MX0KSC usually operates During the week days or evenings and sometimes Saturdays whilst engaged in training and learning, also on special events such as JOTA, TDOTA, Scout Camps, National science week and Keighley show.

The Club station is run by , Louise M3TLL, Phil M1PAC, Barry 2E0OOC and myself Simon 2E0HTS as well as our fellow licenced club members. When you hear us on the bands, we are often in the company of the public, school children, college students and uniformed organisations such as Scouts Guides and Cadets, So if you hear us get ready for a big audience in the shack and maybe a few questions from the students/audience.

Here are the QSL Cards that you are likely to receive when we are operating the college club station MX0KSC.

Operator Simon 2E0HTS and logging Phil M1PAC

We hope that we will be filling in your Call sign on the back of this.

Operator Louise M3TLL on the mic & Phil M1PAC on PSK31


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