New DX Contact 0n 12 Meters
Today I managed a nice QSO with Tom ZD7X who is located at St. Helena which is quite a distance away from my location. I managed to work Tom ZD7X with a 5/9 report operating my FT-767GX with my home brew 20m delta loop assisted with the MFJ-969 to tune the antenna with 50 watts on 12 meters. 12M is rarely open and I have only had a few QSOs on this band so I guess the new Cycle has begun at last!
Good DX de 2E0HTS 73
Congrats are in order Simon.
Hav'nt had time to Buy an antenna for HF. Been working all the hours my boss sends me :)
going to the waikfield rally on the 10, just to see if I can pick up a decent HF vertical.;)
am listening on 145.500 ATM and that co-linera is a bit sick, cant take it down in this weather though.
speak to you later.
Phil De M1PAC
Congraturation my friend Simon,
My mobile station, too.
It was only receiving but I could receive the signal on 7 MHz band comming from Germany DA3** and West-Russia RW6**.
I am looking foward to become better for us the all sorts of Radio condition, and your news on your Blog, Simon.
73 de Nash JN4VWH
I hope the jobs going well and all recieved on the co-linear I can't see you sorting it at the moment due to the freaky WX we're getting!
Good hunting at the rally and I'll be listening out on 145.500
73 all the best de 2E0HTS Simon
greetings, I am happy to hear that the bands are opening up for you in Japan. It will be interesting to hear more about the propagation your side, and as for the Dragon you will have to find a Dragon Slayer. h.i
Your Mobile Station looks good I liked the picture of the snow. We have only had One day of snow so far this Winter, but lots of rain. I hope we have some more Snow so I can have some fun in my Toyota Rav 4.I will be listening out for you coming through on 40m one day soon maybe mobile to mobile. Good DX and 73