HamInfoBar Web Tool Bar Browser, Proves To Be A Valuable Tool For Radio Enthusiasts
Greetings and 73
Just a quickie to share this great little tool for our Computers with those of you that like experimenting a little.
click on image to enlarge

I came across this useful addition to the Shack Computer and have found it to be a very useful and interesting tool for all Radio enthusiasts.
It is called "HamInfoBar" and can be downloaded here
The Tool bar doesn't seem to cause any conflicts and offers a wide range of Ham radio and radio related content.
It is neat to look at and simple to explore, there are many useful and innovative features, too many too mention.
So far I have come across cool things such as links whilst browsing, these have taken me to some interesting up to date Ham Radio Information.
Feeds, Propagation Forecasts, DX Clusters, DXpeditions for LF, HF, VHF, UHF and everything else that Ham Radio is involved with, including techy stuff.
Have a look yourself and I can honestly say I was nicely surprised with the Tool bars gadgets and features.
I am grateful to the creators of the HamInfoBar along side the many other Hams that have left there comments on the HaminfoBar Web Site. HamInfoBar
Best 73 de Simon and Company
Just a quickie to share this great little tool for our Computers with those of you that like experimenting a little.
click on image to enlarge
I came across this useful addition to the Shack Computer and have found it to be a very useful and interesting tool for all Radio enthusiasts.
It is called "HamInfoBar" and can be downloaded here
The Tool bar doesn't seem to cause any conflicts and offers a wide range of Ham radio and radio related content.
It is neat to look at and simple to explore, there are many useful and innovative features, too many too mention.
So far I have come across cool things such as links whilst browsing, these have taken me to some interesting up to date Ham Radio Information.
Feeds, Propagation Forecasts, DX Clusters, DXpeditions for LF, HF, VHF, UHF and everything else that Ham Radio is involved with, including techy stuff.
Have a look yourself and I can honestly say I was nicely surprised with the Tool bars gadgets and features.
I am grateful to the creators of the HamInfoBar along side the many other Hams that have left there comments on the HaminfoBar Web Site. HamInfoBar
Best 73 de Simon and Company