The Sunday Afternoon 2 Meter Loop Project

Watch to see how I spent my Sunday afternoon making a simple full wave 2 meter Delta Loop and then make a 200 mile QSO with MM0GPZ/P in Scotland on 144.285 usb.


Phaze58 said…
Dead jezluz
Love the mike stand , and is that a hiel mike??
I am going to have to try that loop not to big and easy to erect. I have got myself a HF mobile antenna . and am going to try and get the swr thing sorted , its one of them that you move the whip and the jumper lead. works fine at home just got to try it mobile now .. 20 mtrs is fave at the mo......might try some sstv .. now were's me little eepc :)
MØYKS Simon said…
Na Then! I its a Heil, Goldline with filters. Another 2e0dog wheel and deal, had a while and it works nice.

Will make you a Mic stand but you may have to paint it yourself ;-)

I know the mobile antenna you have, they look pretty good? Should be the dogs doo daas on 20M I hope to bump into you on there soon!

The little loop on the vid surprised me with its good ssb performance, well worth a go!

I should be playing around with the radios tommorow night, I will give you a shout on 145.500. Been busy tonight fettling Kawasaki with some stainless shiny bits that I made today-Yeah!!

73 Good DX and catch you L8R,


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