SO-50, AO-51, VO-52 Transponder Frequencies and Rig settings

The best way to work Amateur Satellites is to program your radios memory with the up links, down links and any necessary PL tones required to activate the Transponders.

Here is the result, which if you are new or are just getting in to Satellite Communications, you may find the frequencies shown helpful. The rig seen in the pictures is an FT-847.

TX Up Link 145.850 FM 67HZ Tone. RX Down Link 436.795 FM +/-


TX Up Link 145.920 FM 67HZ Tone. RX Down Link 435.300 FM +/-


TX Up Link 435.250 LSB RX Down Link 145.900 USB+/-
Hello to All at Planet Ham and Tnx for linking to Ham Radio Blogspot



tech1960ps said…
Nice blog you have going Simon. How does that 6btv get out in your mobile setup? I have just moved QTH and am looking at doing something similar as I am not allowed a outdoor antenna and i dont fancy a indoor one.
I am looking into satellites,need to buy some more kit first,lucky Christmas is just around the corner !!
all the best
de Paul VO2PRS
MØYKS Simon said…
Thanks Paul, and the 6btv did work very well from 40-10m but was poor on 80m.

Hope you get some SAT Kit soon, it will be a pleasure to work you.

Good luck with the mobile/portable 6btv set up. All the best!
73 de Simon

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