OH2FFY/Mobile pile up on 20m

The WX is very wet here in Yorkshire at the moment so I decided to make the most of the situation by playing some radio. I worked some stations via the Earth orbiting VO-52 Satellite, OM3VAN, HA6NM, DL3JIN and MW0BBU all on the same pass which lasted around 10 Min's. I then had a listen around 20m and noticed that the noise levels were very low allowing weak signals to be heard. I heard some European stations working Australia, and the US Virgin Islands the pile ups were quite crazy, it reminded me back to the day I heard a US station once say it sounded like "Wild Dogs in a meat shop". A good way to sum up a lot of the mad pile ups you here when those rare or interesting stations are spotted and discovered on the Ham bands.

Picture of OH2FFY/Mobile
It was around 11.30 utc when I came across OH2FFY Greg working mobile on 14.187 mhz with a signal of 5/7 - 5/9 with QSB and lots of QRM (Mad Dogs h.i). I listened for over half an hour and realised that we had already made contact with each other via the Internets Youtube site, so I gave him a shout and we exchanged reports. Greg had made a half wave mono band antenna and sent me a message on one of my Ham Radio Youtube videos . It was great to get the chance to work Greg on his home brew antenna and Yaesu FT-747 from his mobile. Thanks Greg hope to hear you again and see you on Youtube.


Digital Zone said…
Wow. I like your blog.
Beautiful pictures.

Please visit a tropical paradise:

Keep blogging.
Good job.
MØYKS Simon said…
Thanks very much, I will take a look.
Phaze58 said…
Although not that DX I did pick you up on 20 mtrs over at the hole of Horcum near whitby :)was only on the wonder wand and struggled to get back to you on 2.5 watts.. I knew I should have plugged it into the power socket in the back :( would have got the full 5 watts ;)). FM was next to usless.could just hear you .NVR MND .

Thats the last trip out for a while looking forwards to using the 817 later next year from a backpack point of view. 12v battery and a wonder wand .The world is my oyster.
73 de M1PAC
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi there phil (M1PAC) first I hope you had a good day out and yeh I heard you come back but no signal on 2M fm just your audio at radio 4. Last time you went past the Hole of Horcum you were 5/9 so I guess the
Wonder wand aint so wonderful h.i

Not to worry as long as you had fun!

73 de 2E0HTS Simon

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