ISS Cross Band Repeater Latest Video


Phaze58 said…
I tried like fury.I need to get those 2mtr & 70cm antennas on the G-250 sorted,once tha's done I think I stand a good chance although I think I am going to have to read the book on my Icom IC-910X and see how the sattelite tuning works, I just hav'nt got my head round it yet .
Nice vid Si catch you on the next pass :) de M1PAC
MØYKS Simon said…
No worries Phil, once you get sorted give us a shout and We will see what the Martians think about your signal!!

All the best mate and hope the foot is feeling better!

Ta for all the cool Comments.

Catch you on the bands and one of them there passes.

de 2e0hts Si

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