Early Morning Expedition To Muddy SOTA NP028

Early this morning I ended up working 145 FM portable from North Pennine summit on the air 028 whilst walking the dog.
I used:
My hand held radio Kenwood TH-7F and 5 watts into a Diamond SRH771 antenna. Despite been up and about early in the morning I still managed to work Kevin - M0XLT & Adrian M3IAO. Watch the video to see how I avoided the MUD bath up on The Rombalds Moor SOTA.


Phaze58 said…
I can tell it was windy Si.
I am off to whitby to-morrow(sunday 1st) and am taking the FT-100D with me and the multi band antenna.
I will park up at the Hole of Horcum for a while and give a shout out.
I can text you the freq if you want to try for a qso.
I have told adam I will be off there so I will be texting him as well.
Will be taking the video camera with me JUst in case ...
speak to you soon
Regrds M1PAC
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Phil, sounds good..

Will listen out for you on your FT-100. Have fun and good DX.

p.s Can you work 80M mobile?

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