Holiday DX and Satellite Activity

This week has been excellent so far regarding radio and up here on the blustery Moor top, I am in to my 3rd day of holidaying away from work loving every second!

I started off on Monday running in and out of the garden making lots of QSO’s via the “birds”. I worked into AO-51, SO-50 and AO-27 very easily using the two hand held rigs coupled to the tripod mounted Arrow antenna. The little Station performed very well with 4W, making 12 good contacts and a couple of others that were caught up in the QRM. The Satellite worked Stations I managed to exchange locaters and reports successfully with were, LY3L , RA3OEV, UA9FFF, DG7MHR, OH7FES, F1UGK, ON4CAP, MM3YEQ, F1UGK (again but this time on a different Satellite), EB1GKS, EI2HW and regular contact/fellow Yorkshire Man, DL1YAL - Steve . I am still getting very excited when the signals are booming through as I point the antenna into the Sky and call “CQ Satellite”. Hope to play some more when the wind drops.

In between running in and out and as one neighbour once said “Taking picture’s of the sky” (How they can mistake a Cross Band Yogi for a camera? It is quite amusing) I have kept a check on the HF bands.
Whilst listening around LF and HF in between the Satellite passes, I found myself on 18 MHz – 17M, I managed to get lucky and worked CO8LY for the first time on 17M as well as working VP5/WF5CW who was also on 17M...
I then went on to work KU4WE up on 20M.

Later on in the evening I played some more radio and joined in on the local CRAG net which takes place Monday evenings usually around 144.562.500 MHZ using FM.


With the day before been so much fun I was up early Tuesday listening out for some 20m DX.
It was a good job I did as I came across VK7ROY from Tasmania who was coming 5/7 into my FT-767 using the Home brew delta loop. I called back with a 5/5 signal into Tasmania to find that Roy - VK7ROY was originally from South England.

Shortly after that around about 08.18 utc I heard VK6MV also called Roy and also originating from England, I called VK6MV again on the Loop and Yaesu FT-767GX and managed to put a 5/6 into Cuballing in Western Australia.
VK6MV - Roy came with a 5/8 solid copy up here on Baildon Moor and we had quite a rag chew, Roy mentioned that he uses email to QSL so I sent an email and gratefully received Roy’s QSL today. ;-)


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