Busy, Busy, Busy!

I have finally finished most of the jobs that I have had looming in the background at home which has kept me occupied over the last week. We now have a very nice Veranda to sit out on during the summer evenings were i will be able to play some radio (especially Satellite operations). I also have built a fantastic new office desk/shack bench which accommodates the radio gear and p.c admirably. Louise is highly suited as last week I built up a new sofa and chair where she can now be found usually semi horizontally.

I have also set up an account on twitter and from now on I can be found here - Twitter 2E0HTS , hope to catch up with some of you soon.

Now that things are settling down again I am planning on been active tonight on 40M from around 19.30utc, see you on the bands!


Tomas said…
Pitty, our vertical ant is without traps(repair), otherwise I would call you on 40m.. so I tuned you on twitter ;-) GL!

Tomas ok4bx
Phaze58 said…
I was busy yesterday swapping antenna's,The hustler is now up in the air by about 5 meters.

I think now would be a good time to fashion some radials and give it a try .

Next up I am going to try a wire antenna.
de M1PAC
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Tomas,

Good to hear from you, I saw your mobile 20m vertical on your site. ;-)

Hope to hear you when you repair the Trap for 40m.

Twitter is quite good to arrange skeds etc.

Bye for now 73

Simon 2E0HTS
MØYKS Simon said…
Ey Up Phil,

Sound good, look forward to getting you on HF and seeing how it performs?

The radials will help a lot on 40m & 80m, try a couple at 64 feet and a couple at 32 feet for starters.
Catch up soon Buddy


Tomas said…
Simon, all 3 traps are now by sp7gxp, he replaces one broken and tune new one together with 2 good. So, I hope they will return soon. Antenna is without top part now, usable with bad SWR on 10M only.

Thanks for reading our blog. In July we are on (ham)holidays, so there will be right time sign-up to twitter and try to arrange sked.. Unfortunatelly, QTH there is not very friendly for planting HF antennas..
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Tomas,

I hope to get the opportunity to work you during your Holiday. Have a great time and I will hopefully see you Twitter.

Hope your new Traps work well for you on the Vertical.

73 Simon

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