Interesting Conditions

Since the shuffle around with my radio equipment I have been listening around the bands whilst in my usual test mode of the equipment. There's been lots to listen to lately with the many recent contests and special event stations.
As usual I have managed to work some interesting as well as a few DX stations as I came across them.

I am still running my motor cycle for the daily work run and unfortunately have missed opportunities to use the mobile set up. Despite the lack of mobiling I did get lucky with two QSO on 20m last week into Japan when I was out in the Toyota.
The FT-100 and Maldol HF-C antenna once again gave the result I like best with good signal exchanges taking place.

Earlier this evening whilst mobile, I experienced some interesting conditions where I could hear long and short skip at the same time.
Signals were plentiful and at one point I heard a VK and GM 5/9, in the middle of an EU pile up that was going on at the same time(typical of course).

Back in the shack almost at the end of the so called Summer sporadic openings on 2m FM & SSB, I made some great QSO as far away as the Isle of Wight and the South coast of England using the FT-2600 - Collinear and FT-847 - IOIo beam.

On HF the FT-767 continues to work well with the 130 ft dipole and 20M delta loop. September has again provided good openings into S.America with DX like LU5FF, YV5ANF and PY6HD among the many other logged contacts I managed to make QSO with.

With the winter nights drawing in and the cold dark mornings looming in the background, I suspect I will be increasing my radio activity both in the shack and mobile. I should have more things to blog about which will hopefully be more interesting to you guys and with a bit of luck / propagation I might even get to talk to some of you.

73 Good DXing


Jamie Blundell said…
Hi Simon.

I stumbled across your site as a result of a typo when looking for my call sign (2E0ITS). I'd just like to say that it’s very impressive. You’re a true inspiration. Keep up the good work.

MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Jamie,

thanks for the comment and I hope you return soon.

I will listen out for you on the bands.

73 best regards Simon

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