Excellent Conditions provide new DXCC

With the CondX being as good as ever, I have continued making some brilliant DX QSOs on the 15M Band using the SSB Phone mode. Yesterday was very good up until dusk with a repeat of the same excellent openings today also on the 15M Band.

I have been working with my good old Yaesu FT-767GX and 50W into the Vertical Hustler 6BTV which is fitted with wire radials and is ground mounted with a 5’ foot length of 1 ½ inch, solid steel bar that protrudes from the ground 18 inches for the fixing of the antenna base. I have had the Hustler for over 5 years and find it works excellently on the higher portion of HF, especially during the day times when the F-Layer position suits the vertical angle of radiation perfectly. I find that during the evening when the F-Layer changes the three sided vertically polarized delta loop usually takes over from the straight forward vertical, giving a different angle of reflection/radiation. Again the Dipole which is totally horizontal at around 30 ft above the ground also works better in the evening but is poor during the day light hours. It’s nice to be able to switch between the three differently radiating antennas and can be very useful indeed to make the most out of the 50W that I use.

With the 15M Band been as good as it has been the 6BTV has been getting some awesome reports as well as managing to acquire a new DXCC in the log. The latest Country to be added to the list was New DXCC - Ghana - 9G5TT on 21.250 MHz, the exchange was a 5/9 report which was very nice to hear.
I worked many stations from North, South and Central America, all of which were big signals providing lengthy and interesting conversation which I really enjoyed. My log from this weekend contains quality as opposed to quantity QSOs and I hope that we can continue to enjoy the true nature of the hobby, which is making friends with fellow Hams worldwide and sharing some lovely experiences. In a nut shell “What a great time we can have when we get a little propagation”.

Here are a few of the Guys I worked during the fantastic opening on 21MHz. - VE3XN, W4TJE, K4VV, K1NIU, W2VP, W9RE, WX4TM, PY2DU, 9G5TT, W9EXY, & TI8II. I hope to get lots more nice QSO next time and in the meantime, have a great week 73!


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