PSK-31 Contacts

The past couple of nights have seen quiet conditions on 20m so I've concentrated on working a couple of satellites as well as listening around on the LF bands. I had some fun last night on PSK-31 working stations up and down Europe. Using my home brew 130ft Dipole, FT-767 interfaced to my PC and Nomic rigblaster I worked quite a few stations on 80m running qrp (30w).

Stations were coming in well on 80 meters around 3.582 lsb and I worked stations from Norway, Sweden, Germany and the UK including SM6AMU and a fellow Twitterer M0TZO - Paul. For a full transcript of the contact with Paul you can read it here on MØTZO's Blog. Twitter is proving to be a lot of fun and I'm managing to bag a few Twittering followers into my log.

Thanks to all my followers so far, hope to get many more. If you're not on Twitter you can join up here feel free to add me to find out when and where I am active on the bands.


Unknown said…
I think it's a fantastic idea to listen LF Bands ham radio from 80 KM's
MØYKS Simon said…
Hey Brent nice link to the Ham equipment site. 73 Tnx

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