With the IO-Ten Element Satellite antenna working so well since I put it up, I decided to have a another shot at making a video demonstrating just how easy and uncomplicated it is to be able to work the Low Earth Orbiting SSB Sat like VO-52. Hope you enjoy the video and look out for the Festive hat.


ranprew said…
Simon: Beautiful video --- especially the Jolly hat. You make it look so easy -- the advantage of being a good operator at 2E0HTS.
You're ending up with quite a nice web site. Tell Lou "Hi" for us.
randy K4LJA in Louisiana
MØYKS Simon said…
Seasons Greetings Randy,

You sure know how to put a smile on my face, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it and I hope your getting on well at your end - Louisiana regarding the Sats.

I enjoy messing around trying to make the various videos, it is a lot of fun as well as a brilliant way of making new friends like yourself.

Lou says "Hello" and she will be making another Jolly Hat but this time for herself! ;-) She looks after me well!

See you on twitter!

Happy Christmas and all the best for 2010, from us all at Baildon Moor - W.Yorkshire. UK

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