NOAA-19 Over N.W Europe

With Iceland's Volcano Eyjafjallajökull causing so much controversy, I decided to track NOOA -19's latest pass with the help from Satscape.
I wanted to see if I could spot the Volcanic ash that everyone is hearing about for myself.

The equipment I used today was my good old Yaesu FT-2600M and a 137MHz vertical whip. NOAA-19 transmits APT on FM at 137.100 MHz.

There are more NOOA Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite(POES) which transmit images of the Earth and are simple enough to receive and decode. I am still using Radiocom 5.2 to decode the WX images as seen below.

Image of UK captured by NOAA-19, Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite(POES) received at my Amateur Station at 12.38 utc today.


MØYKS Simon said…
Thank You Very Much!
Phaze58 said…
I cant see anything for that big ash cloud .
Nice one Si. going to try a bit of that later when I have a bit more room .
MØYKS Simon said…
Thanks Phil,

watch out for the dust! hi hi

Good look with your activity's and let us all know how you get on.

73 Simon
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