/ Motor Cycle?

In 1984 I obtained my full motor cycle licence as soon as I turned 17, I had been riding dirt bikes and mopeds since the age of 11 and had developed a mechanical mind early. I have been interested in motor bikes for about the same time as I have radio and I can remember fitting my Honda C-50 out with a Binatone Speedway 40 channel CB and DV-27 antenna back in 1983.
These Days I still have four motor cycles that I ride and maintain regularly but since I have been a licensed ham(2004), I have not yet operated amateur radio from any of the four machines.
I might try something with the FT-817 on one of my bikes soon, but at present I'm enjoying the ride whilst the warm dry conditions last!
For now the Toyota Rav-4 "Mobile DX Machine" & Yeasu FT-100 are both on standby.
Right, where's my helmet and gloves........
Cheers Mark GØNMY
I hope you have loads of fun with motorcycle mobile, and I am sure you will work out a system like I did for linking the rig to the helmet.. Speak to you soon Si
regards Phil
de M1PAC