Holiday In 2M Land
Our accommodation was excellent on the Harbor row, which was only a stone’s throw away from the historic landing place of St Ninian
We visited this area for the first time three years ago when we stayed at the Galloway Astronomy Centre and have been revisiting as regular as we can, ever since. The area has lots of historic sites not to mention the stunning views, large empty beaches and plenty of wild life which for us makes up a great holiday.
One of our favorite beaches is at Monreith where there is one of Scotlands best kept secerets The Church of Kirkmaiden hidden away but easily found along with St Medana’s Well.
The Church of Kirkmaiden

I also took my telescope and I spent some time watching the Buzzards look for their lunch.

I did manage to make a local QSO on 2M FM with the FT-817 and Miracle ha ha Whip, which was fellow holiday maker 2M0IOB, who was about 10 miles away. Once again a good time was had by all and I got a few heads turning in dismay I as bellowed into the little rig whilst sat on the top of a large rock.

I returned home just in time for the IOTA Contest and managed to log 146 Stations during the 24hr contest from back home in the shack in Yorkshire. It was the first time I have taken part in the IOTA Contest and I really enjoyed the experience, the Set up at home worked well over the weekend as I managed over 70 Islands On The Air running low power 50 watts.
I am hoping to be fairly active on the HF bands over the next week as I continue to enjoy my Summer holidays. 73 have fun!
Regards to Dudly from Baron
By for now 73 de M1PAC