2E0HTS Appears in RadCom

Next months (February) RadCom magazine arrived earlier this week courtesy of the RSGB.

Inside the radio magazine I found myself appearing in the IOTA 2010 article which was a very nice surprise indeed.
The picture inside RadCom shows myself in action during the IOTA 2010 contest which I enjoyed very much.

The picture was taken at my Moor Top shack which is now my portable location as I have recently set up a second shack at our new family home.

You can see my new table which is housing the FT1000mp and FT847 on the image above. The image below shows the page in Radcom where you can find 2E0HTS - IOTA Contest Station on page 26.

The editor of the RadCom magazine has commented on my home made microphone mini tower which reads "Even the microphone is on a tower, but does it rotate?"
The answer of course is yes! As long as you don't mind turning the mic by hand only, as of yet I haven't fit a motor h.i
But you never know what I might get up to in my workshop next time I'm tinkering around!


Tomas said…
Hey, your shack is ready, congrats. Thanks for sharing your Radcom photo. I read on twitter about it and I was curious. Btw, I was once in magazine too - on frontpage :-) http://web.bxhome.org/blog/ok4bx/2010/02/vhf-field-day-1998
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Tomas

Thank you once again old friend.

I also visited your link and saw the picture of you and your Dad in Ama magazine active on field day back in August 1998. Very nice front page. Its cool getting in the magazine, its the second time for me I was in RadCom back in 2005 when I was active for National Science week from the STAR Centre. ;-)

Take care Tomas and look forward to working you from my new QTH in the near future.

Happy DX & Best 73 to you and the BX Family.

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