Home Made Radials & Connecting Bracket

Despite another weekend of poor WX, I was determined to get started with the radial installation that I have been working on for use with my Hustler 6BTV antenna.

I decided to start with radials cut for 20M and wanted each radial to be 1/2 wave lengths.

I set about the second stage of the task by measuring four lengths of 2mm diameter wire and cutting them all the same. The four wire radial lengths were all cut at 34ft. I soldered small lugs on each end of the four wire radials, which I screwed to the brass stakes and brass mounting bracket (as seen in the previous post). To do this I used stainless steel self tapping screws.

The image below shows the mounting bracket installed. It is located directly beneath the Hustler 6BTV feed point.

The radial bracket is clamped around the ground stake as well as having a seperate short connecting wire fed directly from the antenna to the brass radial bracket.

I will be adding more radials for 40m and other bands next time I get a couple of hours spare. Until then, I am happy with the first four radials cut for 20m.
They seem to be doing a good job so far during a quick test just now, I am getting through to plenty of stations all over EU and USA without to much trouble on 50W.

I'm looking forward to more messing about with my antennas and plenty more posting on here. Thanks for the visit. 73


PE4BAS, Bas said…
Hi Simon, didn't know the 6BTV was that special. But from what you write it seems to work pretty good. Nice radial system to start with. I see some ice around it, must be very cold over there. 73, Bas
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Bas,

yes it was a bit cold and snowy over the weekend.

I like the 6BTV as I have had one for about 6 years with no mechanical problems. They are a very well made antenna that seem to work very well once you spend time tuning each section. Both of my 6BTV are very low SWR and recieve with very little noise level.

Take care my friend and many thanks for the comment.

Hope to let you know about if our baby is a boy or girl very soon ;-)

73 Simon

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